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New Year’s Day in Indonesia

Date of New Year’s DayCelebrated on January 1st
Public HolidayYes, in Indonesia and most countries that follow the Gregorian calendar (except Israel)
HistoryOriginally celebrated on March 15th according to the Roman Calendar, changed to January 1st in 153 BCE
CelebrationsDiverse across Indonesia, including:
 – Releasing sky lanterns in Yogyakarta
 – Watching fireworks displays in major cities
 – Attending lantern festivals and traditional events
 – Visiting ancient temples and palaces
 – Enjoying live music and cultural performances
 – Trying delicious Indonesian cuisine
Popular Venues 
 – Jakarta: Taman Impian Jaya Ancol – fireworks, live music
 – Dieng: Sikunir Hill Lantern Festival
 – Maluku: Badendang Rotan tug-of-war competition
 – Surakarta: Gong-beating ceremony
 – Magelang: Lantern release near Borobudur Temple
 – Bali: Denpasar Festival – cultural performances, art exhibits
Tips for Planning Your Trip 
 – Check public holiday dates in Indonesia
 – Book accommodation in advance, especially for popular destinations
 – Choose convenient transportation options

New Year’s Eve is celebrated globally because it is the last day of the year, which is December 31. It is based on the Gregorian calendar. Countries usually do a countdown to the New Year, and then there are lots of food and drinks.


What is the New Year’s Day in Indonesia All About?

New Year's Day

Indonesia celebrates New Year as well, and they make it fun for everyone.

If you are interested in going to Indonesia to celebrate New Year, here is information you need to know before planning your trip.

New Year’s Day marks the first day of every year, and it falls one week after Christmas Day. It is a public holiday in countries that follow the Gregorian calendar except for Israel. It is why the New Year is the most observed public holiday.

In the past, New Year was observed on March 15 based on the Roman Calendar. The beginning of the year had always been January 1st in the 153 BCE, which was decided by two Roman consuls. They named the month Janus, inspired by the Roman god of doors and gates. His head had two faces, one is facing forward, and the other one is looking back, which is perfect to start the year.

How to Celebrate New Year’s Day in Indonesia and Things You Can Do

There are many things you can do in Indonesia to celebrate New Year, and to answer your curiosity, here are some answers for you:

  • Release a sky lantern – The young people release a sky lantern to welcome during the New Year at the Pok Tunggal Beach in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. The teenagers like to put up a tent and stay there overnight so they can welcome the New Year.
  • Glittering – There are hundreds of people who will enjoy watching the confetti, balloons and fireworks drop to the stage of Legian, The Stones Hotel, Bali, and Kuta as part of the New Year’s Eve celebration.
  • Fire flowers You Can See from Sky – Fireworks beautify the New Year sky, which always notices at the Breeze shopping centre in Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) city, Tangerang. There are thousands of people who are gathered here to celebrate the New Year.
  • Performers in masks – Some dancers wear masks while they wait to perform at a masquerade party in Cilandak Town Square at Jakarta.
  • Think of a New Year’s Resolution – A lot of people make a resolution during the New Year. Most New Year’s resolution is about exercising more, losing weight, and eating a healthier diet.

The schools, banks, private and government offices are closed. The restaurants and shops are open, and some of them open later than usual.

How New Year’s Day in Indonesia is Celebrated?

Indonesia celebrates New Year like other countries with all the colorful fireworks and trumpets. Since Indonesia is an archipelago, its different cities have their way of celebrating the new year. They wait for the clock to strike midnight, go to a mountain to watch the first sunrise of the year, or go to the ruins of ancient temples and beautiful old palaces.

Venues and Special Events for Celebrating the New Year’s Day in Indonesia

  • Jakarta – In Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, they entertain people every year with their beautiful live music with a 15-minute display of fireworks in three different locations of the park. You can watch fireworks at the Beach Pool, Mermaid Resort, and Carnival Beach.
  • Dieng – There is a lantern festival in Sikunir Hill that is so popular during the New Year’s celebration among the tourists. They like to climb to the peak and enjoy the breathtaking skyline as they wait for the New Year. The event’s highlight is they will release 1000 lanterns for people to watch.
  • Maluku – There is a tradition called Badendang Rotan that originates from Central Maluku that was present in hereditary entertainment. It also strengthens the meaning of solidarity between their citizens. Usually, the event happens during the afternoon at the start of the year. You are going to see a match that is like a tug-of-war but in their style; made of woven rattan.
  • Surakarta – Since firecrackers and fireworks are not allowed in Surakarta, the inaugural segment they have been waiting for since 2018 is replaced by beating the gong. The event has a gamelan or their typical orchestra that has 75 gongs. The event’s highlight is when the sirens are ringing and the gong played by their mayor.
  • Magelang – Just an hour from Yogyakarta, Borobudur Temple, there is an option for you to experience New Year’s Eve differently because of the atmosphere. There are thousands of lanterns that are released simultaneously to symbolize hope for the New Year.
  • Bali – The Denpasar festival is being celebrated since 2008 in Bali. While the majority of the world celebrate New Year on December 31, they celebrate it a lot earlier in Bali, which starts December 28. They usually hold the celebrations at Patung Catur in Gajah Mada street in Denpasar. The festival is a commemoration of the year that was, and it signifies sustainability and happiness. They have a new theme for the festival every year, and Balinese artists give ethnic performances.

Here are some of the highlights of celebrating New Year’s in Indonesia:

  • Colorful Fireworks: Witness dazzling firework displays in major cities like Jakarta, Tangerang, and Bali.
  • Festive Events: Participate in unique events like the lantern festival in Sikunir Hill or the Badendang Rotan tug-of-war in Maluku.
  • Cultural Performances: Enjoy traditional dances, music, and art performances that showcase the rich cultural heritage of Indonesia.
  • Delicious Cuisine: Savor a variety of Indonesian dishes, from spicy rendang to fresh seafood platters.

Planning your trip:

  • Public Holidays: Be aware of public holiday dates in Indonesia to plan your trip accordingly.
  • Accommodation: Book your accommodation well in advance, especially for popular destinations like Bali.
  • Transportation: Choose convenient transportation options to reach your chosen destination and navigate within the city.

Celebrate New Year’s in Indonesia and create unforgettable memories filled with cultural experiences, breathtaking landscapes, and festive cheer!

If you are interested in spending the New Year at Indonesia, make sure to take note of the information about public holidays in Indonesia, places and events mentioned here. Indonesia is beautiful and rich in culture and tradition, which makes the visit worth it.

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